Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Life is strange. What you want it will never give, and when you relaize that you will never get it and learn to live with it, you get it. And then when you re-teach yoursel to live with it. Life takes it back, when you least expect it.
This is not just a web of words (Okay I do agree to some extent that it is a poor web of words), it is what most, if not all, of us experience sometime or the other in life. The moment we think we are happy, the next moment we maybe 'orced' to cry ; the moment we think that we have won, the next moment we may 'lose'. There is a very thin line between ecstasy and dispair, and most of us are always hoppin' around that line. And the problem is that no matter how clear we keep our vison, the line gets dimmer and dimmer. Wonder how we can magnify this line ???

Sunday, July 16, 2006

The unusual gap didn't mean that I would be silent for ever (Though I presume many would want so)These past few days have been emotionally exhausting. Be it one of the patients I had admitted dying post operative or seeing the cries of those who lost their loved ones in the Mumbai Blasts. There were so many disturbing scenes of the blast victims and their famililes on the media recently. Usually I am a great advocate of The Freedom of Speech and the importance of Media. But I shameully witnessed the coarse manner in which some members of the media dealt with it. These channels were just worried about their TRPs and everything was just a news for them. It is regretful.

Also as I was going through some of my previous posts (I know very few in number) I realised that they were too depressing. I didn't mean them to be that way (perhaps I don't write as good as some of my friends tell me I do)I have seen how beautiful life can be......... a boy who had bad contractures around his kne after he got burnt, got a chance to play footbll again after a reconstructive surgery.....that moment...the way his brothers and sisters left whatever they were doing, no matter how important, just to see him smile........ that was life at its best
Life can bring so much happiness and joy, but sadly it can also bring a few sorrows and tears. But that's the real beauty of life. It changes and changes, and when we think it can't change anymore, it changes again.Be it for good or worse, it is obvious that soon it will change again.So don't be too happy about your joys, nor be too sad for your sorrows.....after all they are just bubbles in time, soon to burst aay making space for some new one.

It sounded good (Atleast I hope so!)But then I wonder should we stop enjoying are joys and not crib about our sorrows................I know it will never happen.........We will always know that sorrows and joys are temporary, still we'll spend tears over our grieves and laughter over our glee.
So many things "Don't change" afterall...........

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Is there rebirth?
Is there any afterlife?
Where did you get this body?
Where do you go when you leave your body?
What will happen when you go?

Whenever I think of any of these questions, all I feel is numbness, all I hear is a never ending beep, and all I see is darkness. I always struggle hard and the answers are always just a step away. But I have never been able to take that step.
I have heard of stories (and actually seen one in real life) of how a child starts doing weird things which are finally related to his previous life. How a child goes to totally strange place, recognizes people and speaks languages unheard of. I have also heard stories where a person is supposed to have died but comes back to lie because of mistaken identity. All this is fascinating, and makes interesting stories, But where lies the truth?