Sunday, July 02, 2006

Is there rebirth?
Is there any afterlife?
Where did you get this body?
Where do you go when you leave your body?
What will happen when you go?

Whenever I think of any of these questions, all I feel is numbness, all I hear is a never ending beep, and all I see is darkness. I always struggle hard and the answers are always just a step away. But I have never been able to take that step.
I have heard of stories (and actually seen one in real life) of how a child starts doing weird things which are finally related to his previous life. How a child goes to totally strange place, recognizes people and speaks languages unheard of. I have also heard stories where a person is supposed to have died but comes back to lie because of mistaken identity. All this is fascinating, and makes interesting stories, But where lies the truth?


At 10:02 PM, Blogger Blue Panther said...

The fact about people coming back after dying is a really intriguing phenomenon. As also is the fact that some people actually claim to remember their past lives. I for some reason tend to believ that there is an after life and a life before birth.

But that fact makes our present life evenmore important. Because if we are here becasue of what we did in the past, what we do here is going to determine where we go after this and dont we all want to go to a nice place?

At 8:36 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Everyone is a fool in someone elses opinion......Is it time to be a fool in own opinion too..??????


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